Our goal as your dental provider is to make sure you can make the best decisions to maintain your smile for a lifetime, with a strong focus on preventive dental care. While dental examinations and cleanings may seem costly, the goal is to stop you from developing a dental condition that could have been prevented. If you maintain routine preventive dental care, you can often avoid a huge financial burden in the future, as we are often able to diagnose issues early on.
Preventive Dental Care from Amber Shay Dental
A trip to the store to purchase oral hygiene products like toothpaste, mouthwash, and a brush can be overwhelming. There are so many options and all of them claim to give the best result. So what is the right product for you? Preventive dental care gives our patients a chance to ask about products and techniques to keep their smile white and their mouth feeling good. Most people will benefit from soft bristle brushes since they tend to go more aggressive with cleaning. Others need to alter their diet to keep their teeth healthy. Our professional team can examine your teeth and recommend the right dental products for your specific needs.
We’ll Take Care of Your Oral Health
It is time to add preventive dental care to your checklist. It is never too late to save your teeth and invest in your health. Amber Shay Dental is a small practice with only three treatment rooms — when you are here, you are our focus. We strive for quality over quantity for dental care in Cheektowaga, Kenmore, Amherst, and Williamsville, NY.